Misfits & Strangers – a contemplation on the legacy of war

posted in: History, Writing | 1

2018 marks the centenary of the end of WWI. This is not news, the media will be awash with references, but for me it is personal. War carries a legacy… Firstly, let me say a word about my maternal grandfather. I … Continued

The Writer Returns to her Garden…

posted in: History, Where I live, Writing | 4

My website has a been a bit of a neglected garden of late, somewhat overgrown, no new plantings. Many of you will know why: in November my other half, David, was diagnosed with stage 4 renal cancer, and we are … Continued

Writing Buddies – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

posted in: cats, Odds and Ends, Writing | 90

Writing Buddies and the Art of Critique I am about to test-drive a new writing buddy….   I won’t be saying anything specific about this relationship as we have agreed that confidentiality is all important, but I would like to … Continued

Little Wrecks and Great Launches – Meredith Miller at Writers’ Cafe

posted in: Odds and Ends, Where I live, Writing | 86

Author Meredith Miller visited Writers’ Café on August 16th, to give us insider tips on the road to publication, how to get noticed and – well – great launches.  And the only example of ‘Little Wrecks’ was the book of … Continued

Plundering the Family Silver … or at least, the archive of experience

posted in: Writing | 1

I have been lapping up the coverage for Patrick Gale’s Man in an Orange Shirt and find the source material, the story of his parents’ marriage, deeply moving.   In brief, his mother discovered evidence that Patrick’s father was in … Continued