Teresa’s Cabinet of Curiosities

Let me be frank, I’ve never watched Maria Kondo’s programme, but I have caught the odd snippet and various comments on social media. She launched into my personal orbit when she stated that one should only own 30 books. The … Continued

An Occasional Stitch in Time – Teresa’s Cabinet of Curiosities

Yup…tea tins Maybe your first thought on seeing the picture above is to wonder what a couple of old tea tins have got to do with any kind of stitch in time… Fair enough. Another anomaly, if you know me, … Continued

Misfits & Strangers – a contemplation on the legacy of war

posted in: History, Writing | 1

2018 marks the centenary of the end of WWI. This is not news, the media will be awash with references, but for me it is personal. War carries a legacy… Firstly, let me say a word about my maternal grandfather. I … Continued

The Writer Returns to her Garden…

posted in: History, Where I live, Writing | 4

My website has a been a bit of a neglected garden of late, somewhat overgrown, no new plantings. Many of you will know why: in November my other half, David, was diagnosed with stage 4 renal cancer, and we are … Continued