Important News
Penzance Writers’ Cafe will be taking a bit of a break over the next few months – but watch this space for our relaunch.
You might be interested in this related blog post
Writers’ Cafe Programme 2017
July 19th
Walking in the Footsteps of Poldark – Sue Kittow
Sue Kittow reveals her own footsteps: how she came to write walks books and found her publisher, and the writing process. Sue’s talk will be illustrated with slides (we hope to set up the cinema) and Sue will welcome questions.
But please note that this talk is not subtitled “stalking Aidan Turner”…
August 2nd
Open session
August 16th
Little Wrecks; Great Launches. Meredith Miller talks about her latest book, the writing process, and more
August 30th
Open session
Looking further ahead
September 13th – title tbc – Jane Pugh
November 8th – Poetry and Perception. Diana Dixon invites you to investigate the world of the senses. Bring a blindfold; brand new earplugs will be supplied