Plundering the Family Silver … or at least, the archive of experience

posted in: Writing | 7

I have been lapping up the coverage for Patrick Gale’s Man in an Orange Shirt and find the source material, the story of his parents’ marriage, deeply moving.   In brief, his mother discovered evidence that Patrick’s father was in … Continued

Arrogance and the Art of Prevarication

posted in: Odds and Ends, Writing | 305

As some of you know, I am in the process of publishing my second novel, The Arrogance of Women, on Kindle. I say ‘publishing’ which makes it sound as though it’ll be up there tomorrow, but alas it is more … Continued

Literary Festivals – a view from the inside

posted in: Where I live, Writing | 100

There was a time when I viewed literary festivals from the outside, as a punter. I wanted books, more book, yet more books and stimulation, the opportunity to brush shoulders with authors, to feel a part of something special.   … Continued

Come on Kindle, Light my Fire

posted in: Writing | 100

If you have been reading these blogs on a regular basis, you may have come to the conclusion that I’ve quite a lot of projects on the go.   Firstly, there are the two novels, Looking for Jonah and Queen’s Daughter. … Continued