Love, Death and Dire Consequenses – a personal look at the oral tradition

posted in: Folk Music, Where I live, Writing | 89

Music, Myth and Song….     There’s always a lot of love, death and dire consequences buzzing round Penzance Folk Club (held once a fortnight at the Admiral Benbow on Chapel Street). I should know, since I’m one of the … Continued

All Good Things….

posted in: Cream Teas, Where I live, Writing | 1

  I’m sure you know the saying: ‘all good things must come to an end…’   Before moving to Cornwall in 2011, I taught creative writing for the University of Cambridge ICE. I loved it, I love teaching, but it … Continued

Little Wrecks and Great Launches – Meredith Miller at Writers’ Cafe

posted in: Odds and Ends, Where I live, Writing | 86

Author Meredith Miller visited Writers’ Café on August 16th, to give us insider tips on the road to publication, how to get noticed and – well – great launches.  And the only example of ‘Little Wrecks’ was the book of … Continued

Plundering the Family Silver … or at least, the archive of experience

posted in: Writing | 1

I have been lapping up the coverage for Patrick Gale’s Man in an Orange Shirt and find the source material, the story of his parents’ marriage, deeply moving.   In brief, his mother discovered evidence that Patrick’s father was in … Continued

Arrogance and the Art of Prevarication

posted in: Odds and Ends, Writing | 151

As some of you know, I am in the process of publishing my second novel, The Arrogance of Women, on Kindle. I say ‘publishing’ which makes it sound as though it’ll be up there tomorrow, but alas it is more … Continued